Special Programs


Staffed by select prosecutors from all divisions, the FAST Team is available to respond to all serious injury and fatal crashes within Jefferson County in which a prosecution may follow when notified by police. The prosecutors collaborate on the scene with police and assist in obtaining certain court orders necessary for later successful criminal cases. Please visit the FAST Team page for a detailed description.

Casual For a Cause

The Casual For a Cause (CFAC) Fund is a voluntary charitable fund-raising activity sponsored by the employees of the Office of the Commonwealth’s Attorney. The concept of allowing staff to dress casually in return for a monetary donation was instituted in 1994. Casual Days take place each Friday and other special light-docket days for all persons not involved in court appearances. Employees contribute money each year to participate. Guidelines for casual dress are distributed to all employees. A sign is posted on the public doors to the office listing the four designated charities who divide the total amount collected at the end of the calendar year.

Each January, all staff who participate in the CFAC Fund vote for their charitable choices for the coming year. A wide variety of non-profit organizations have benefited in the past from the CFAC Fund. The current designated charities are: Cure CF, Inc., Down Syndrome of Louisville, and Kentucky Humane Society.

Casual For a Cause is but one of a number of office projects that support worthy non-profit organizations, charities and the needy in Metro Louisville.

Public Information and Speakers Bureau

Commonwealth’s Attorney Gerina D. Whethers and many staff prosecutors participate as speakers in various community activities throughout the year. The office is available for such engagements, along with seminars and other special events. Please call the Office of the Commonwealth’s Attorney at 502-595-2300 for more information.

Kids in Court

Christie’s Kids in Court is a program presented by ECHO (Exploited Children’s Help Organization) and the Office of the Commonwealth’s Attorney. It was developed as a way for children to participate in a court room walk through and mock trial in preparation for testifying or to reduce anxiety about trial procedures.

VINE – Victim Information and Notification Everyday

Kentucky is the first state in the nation to provide an automated, statewide victim notification system. Through this computerized system, critical information is available about inmates housed in local jails and adult correctional facilities as well as certain juvenile offenders. This information can be accessed 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Through computer generated telephone calls and emails, all registered persons will be contacted at a predetermined telephone number or email when an inmate is scheduled for release or if an inmates escapes from custody. In addition to victims, law enforcement agencies and the general public have access to housing locations and release information through the 24-hour telephone service. VineLink.com.