Veteran’s Treatment Court Liaison

The Veteran’s Treatment Court Liaison, Matthew Cody Hill, is responsible for working in conjunction with the local Judiciary, AOC, The Robley Rex VA Medical Center, Office of the Jefferson County Attorney, Legal Aid, Community Corrections, Seven Counties and Louisville Metro Police Department to find eligible participants for the Court; and to monitor their progress through weekly staffing meetings. The VTC offers a stringent program that closely monitors Veterans who want treatment for alcohol or substance abuse addiction and/or serious mental health disease and places the participants with peer mentors to assist in their success. The VTC will accept “qualified” Veterans from Jefferson County, KY, Circuit and District Courts. Offenders from other jurisdictions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. VTC will accept male and female Veterans who have committed felony or misdemeanor offenses. Eligible Veterans are identified through legal screenings and evidence-based screenings and assessments, including a bio-psychosocial assessment and the VA HOMES assessment to determine the level of risk and need of the Veteran. Any inquires for eligibility to the program should be emailed to